uPVC Windows, Doors and Conservatories

We can supply and install a range of high quality UPVC and aluminium windows and doors to modernise your existing property or create new living space while offering high security and great insulation.

We offer A+ energy rated efficient windows in range of styles and colours with Liniar,  Rehau and Residency 9 profile windows which means you’ll be able to enjoy a warmer and quieter home as well as lower energy bills. Furthermore, all windows and doors also meet the highest security standards, showing that they have plenty of substance as well as style.


We offer a great range of traditional UPVC and composite external doors by Endurance Composite doors are available in a huge range of colours, designs and accessories to give your home an exciting new frontage while improving insulation and security of your home. The endurance range offer a comprehensive selection of styles from classic, urban and country collections.



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Curtis Home Improvements are trained, qualified and registered installers using only top quality products. All of our work is covered by guarantee for your peace of mind.